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Our goal for expansion is to constantly meet the requests of our customers.
Ten Pow Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Founded in 1978
Professional manufacturer of nylon 6 and 66 staple fiber, based on the characteristics of nylon fiber(wearing-resistance, anti-alkali, high temperature resistance, ease to be dyed, bright color, and high elasticity, etc.) In the initial stage of our company, we invested great amounts of capital and labor for development, production and quality control.

Product Development
Under the research and development for several decades on nylon 6 and 66 staple fiber, TEN POW Enterprise Co., Ltd. produces nylon fiber from 1.5 den. to 90 den., and cut length is available from 38~152 mm and Tow. The luster includes bright, trilobal bright, semi-dull, full-dull and doped dyed by customer order. Besides, in order to meet the requirement of our customers, the fiber is available on crimped and un-crimped type.
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